Our Code

Our Responsibilities

To Whom Does Our Code Apply?

Our Company requires all employees, executive officers, and directors to comply with our Code of Conduct. We also expect our contractors, suppliers, and other business partners to uphold the same standards of ethics and compliance that we expect of ourselves.

We Are All Responsible

Each of us is responsible for staying true to our Purpose, living our Values, and following our Code. This means we:

  • Read, understand, and follow our Code of Conduct, policies, and procedures.
  • Comply with all laws and regulations that apply to our work.
  • Ask questions and get help when we are unsure of the right thing to do.
  • Report suspected violations of the law, our Code, or company policies.
  • Cooperate with investigations of misconduct.

Managers Have a Special Role

In addition to the responsibilities listed above, managers play a crucial role in creating and maintaining a culture of ethics and compliance within their teams. Managers fulfill this critical role when they:

  • Act as role models for ethical behavior.
  • Clearly state that how we behave is just as important as what we accomplish.
  • Encourage employees to raise questions and concerns without fear of retaliation.
  • Listen to employees’ concerns and ensure they are handled appropriately.
  • Consider behavior that aligns with our Values when making decisions about hiring, evaluating, compensating, and promoting employees.
Food for Thought

Each of us is responsible for staying true to our Purpose, living our Values, and following our Code.

Keep Reading

Making Ethical Decisions